"Une vision de la France très réaliste !!!"("A very realistic vision of France")
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"Just a note to congratulate you on a wonderful site. Having lived in Provence for the past twenty years, I have many, many tales to share that confirm all you say.
Well done
Pierre R.!"

Travel & Tourism in France
This part of the site complements and adds hints and tips to the information you find in many tourist
guides for France.
This site is not intended to replace tourist guides but to fill the gaps, notably what
concerns some of the less rosy aspects of France.
There is a Disqus space where you can comment on all pages.
Living & Working in France
The Living & Working in France section
presents a wealth of practical information that will help you adapt to France.
There are descriptions, hints, tips, links and much more to help you avoid having to
figure everything out yourself.
There is a Disqus space where you can comment on all pages.
"I have worked in the French legal system for
almost 20 years. What you say about the French and especially Provence
(including the legal system and the magistrates) is practically identical to my
experience. Bravo! Very well written." (2011)
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